BEIJING -- China said Sunday that preparations are going smoothly for a major Communist Party meeting at which the country's top leaders will changed, even though the once-a-decade transformation has been overshadowed by a political scandal.
An editorial in the party newspaper, the People's Daily, said arrangements for the party congress are under way.
"The preparation work for the 18th party congress is being carried out smoothly," it said. "The party and the people from all ethnic groups welcome the 18th party congress with full confidence." The editorial marked the 91st anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party.
The newspaper did not mention the scandal involving Bo Xilai, who was sacked as party boss of Chongqing metropolis in April while his wife was named a suspect in the murder of a British businessman.
As a member of the party's Politburo, Bo was a likely candidate for one of the nine seats on its all-powerful Standing Committee when a new generation of leaders is named. His downfall sent shockwaves through the party and Chinese society, prompting rumors of divisions within the leadership and even a possible coup attempt.
The scandal also fueled speculation that the party congress would be delayed, but state media have said it will be held later this year, with the exact date likely announced in August.
The People's Daily repeated calls to fight corruption, saying graft was one of the biggest threats to the party. It did not give any examples.
There has been no announcement of what will happen to Bo or his wife Gu Kailai, who was named a suspect in the murder of British businessman Neil Heywood last year.
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